Played my first hour of tennis in 15 years - ooof πŸ˜… time to figure out how to get tennis-fit again! 🎾

Teaching myself lino printing - first efforts 🎨

Very grateful for local woods to take dog when it’s hot πŸ₯΅

Added some wood stain to step edges - less of a trip hazard!

Write up a little piece on A.I. on my blog from the perspective of a designer πŸ€–

Was looking for a binge-worthy tv show and enjoying the older πŸ“Ί The Blacklist (2013)

The Blacklist poster

Just finished about how to talk to customers to validate business ideas - lots to process and figure out from it but just excellent. I love Rob Fitzpatrick’s books - never too long but always insightful ( was another absolute fav from him this year) πŸ“š

Loving this video from Vox and Jake Blount on the banjo’s connection to early black folk music as well as his own site - a treasure trove of folk music old and new 🎡πŸͺ•……

Almost done watching Sevrance - what a show. Each episode builds on the last wonderfully and it’s just beautifully shot. πŸ“Ί

I’ve decided to have a go at learning how to make ambient lofi music with ableton from scratch over the next year. Does anyone have any good recs for reasonably priced sound interfaces and desktop speakers for use with a Mac? Points if they look nice. 🎡🎹 Update - lots of good recs received!…

Just discovered the joys of Israeli Osem peanut butter puffs and Belgian lotus biscoff biscuits - upping my snack game πŸͺ

Wanting to write longer-form posts more and get back into blogging, so I’m trying to carve out time weekly to write more. Here’s today’s effort: 15 lessons learned working remotely for a Product Company

Waiting for the light on a rainy day πŸ“·

Mushroom season πŸ„πŸ“·

Loved all the mossy trees and feeling of the seasons changing πŸ“·

Went out capturing autumn while my wife photographed the colour πŸ“·

A day in the life: enjoying a good coffee while looking out at the garden greenery, with dog who always comes to sit beside me.

Lovely day out at Leonardslee Gardens enjoying the sculptures πŸ₯° πŸ–ΌοΈ

Enjoyed a woodland walk seeing all the mushrooms out πŸ„

Trying to get outside more after work and walk. Sky changed as sun was setting.